
樊辉 刘坤 谷岩 孙占峰

樊辉, 刘坤, 谷岩, 孙占峰. 爆轰加载下TATB基钝感炸药的冲击-卸载-再冲击实验装置设计与模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 044102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230826
引用本文: 樊辉, 刘坤, 谷岩, 孙占峰. 爆轰加载下TATB基钝感炸药的冲击-卸载-再冲击实验装置设计与模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2024, 38(4): 044102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230826
FAN Hui, LIU Kun, GU Yan, SUN Zhanfeng. Design and Simulation of Shock-Release-Reshock Experimental Device for TATB-Based Insensitive Explosives under Detonation Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 044102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230826
Citation: FAN Hui, LIU Kun, GU Yan, SUN Zhanfeng. Design and Simulation of Shock-Release-Reshock Experimental Device for TATB-Based Insensitive Explosives under Detonation Loading[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2024, 38(4): 044102. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230826


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20230826

    樊 辉(1999-),男,硕士,主要从事炸药起爆性能研究. E-mail:fanhui2939@163.com


    孙占峰(1976-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学研究. E-mail:sunzf7695@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O521.3; O383

Design and Simulation of Shock-Release-Reshock Experimental Device for TATB-Based Insensitive Explosives under Detonation Loading

  • 摘要: 在一些特殊的工程应用和意外事故中,炸药内部可能会受到多次冲击压缩和卸载作用从而使其起爆性能发生变化,因此,需要一种可以模拟多次冲击和卸载的实验加载装置,用以研究炸药在复杂载荷下的起爆响应。基于爆轰加载原理,提出并设计了一种可以实现完全卸载的冲击-卸载-再冲击的爆轰加载实验装置,利用数值模拟对该装置进行了仿真设计和参数优化,并通过实验验证了数值模拟的准确性和装置设计的可行性。结果表明:利用所设计的爆轰加载装置驱动钨镁双层飞片撞击TATB基钝感炸药,通过调整装置中的间隙宽度,可以对炸药实现完全卸载的冲击-卸载-再冲击加载,为后续研究炸药在复杂载荷多次冲击下的起爆响应提供了一种新的实验技术。


  • 图  爆轰驱动钨飞片撞击镁飞片并发生脱离

    Figure  1.  Detonation drives the tungsten flyer to collide with the magnesium flyer and detach

    图  飞片撞击炸药传入预冲击和卸载波

    Figure  2.  Flyer impacts explosives and transmits pre-shock and rarefaction wave

    图  钨飞片撞击镁飞片并向炸药内部传入主冲击

    Figure  3.  Impact of the tungsten flyer on the magnesium flyer introduces the main shock into the explosive

    图  爆轰加载装置

    Figure  4.  Explosive loading device

    图  爆轰加载装置的简化计算模型

    Figure  5.  Simplified calculation model for explosive loading device

    图  不同间隙1宽度下两飞片的后自由面速度

    Figure  6.  Back free surface velocities of two flyers for different gaps 1

    图  不同间隙2宽度下两飞片的后自由面速度

    Figure  7.  Back free surface velocities of two flyers for different gaps 2

    图  冲击-卸载-再冲击加载下样品内部粒子速度曲线

    Figure  8.  Particle velocity history inside the sample under shock-release-reshock

    图  飞片撞击炸药表面时不同时刻的冲击波压力

    Figure  9.  Pressure contour of shock waves generated by flyers impacting the surface of explosives at different time

    图  10  多点PDV探针布局

    Figure  10.  Multipoint PDV probes layout

    图  11  PDV测量的飞片速度曲线

    Figure  11.  Flyer velocity curves measured by PDV

    图  12  TATB基炸药后表面的粒子速度

    Figure  12.  Particle velocity on the back surface of the TATB-based explosive samples

    表  1  炸药爆轰产物的JWL状态方程参数

    Table  1.   JWL EOS parameters of explosive product

    Material ρ0/(g·cm−3) DCJ/(km·s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω
    Main explosive 1.849 8.712 35.2 842.040 21.810 4.600 0 1.350 0 0.28
    Sample explosive 1.895 7.640 26.9 666.486 5.339 4.548 3 0.797 6 0.35
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    表  2  样品未反应物的JWL状态方程参数

    Table  2.   JWL EOS parameters of unreacted sample

    ρ0/(g·cm−3) A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 ω
    1.895 77 810 −5.031 11.3 1.13 0.909 38
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    表  3  材料的Grüneisen状态方程参数

    Table  3.   Grüneisen EOS parameters of material

    Material ρ0/(g·cm−3) C/(km·s−1) S1 $\gamma_0$ cV/(J·g−1·K−1)
    PMMA 1.186 2.300 1.750 0.91 3.016
    W 18.300 4.030 1.237 1.67 0.135
    Mg 1.776 4.490 1.242 1.54 1.025
    Steel 7.896 4.569 1.490 2.17 0.446
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    表  4  炸药样品点火增长反应模型参数

    Table  4.   Ignition and growth of reaction model parameters for sample explosive

    ρ0/(g·cm−3) I/ms−1 a b c d e
    1.895 4×106 0.214 0.667 0.667 1.0 0.667
    g x y z G1/(GPa−2·ms−1) G2/(GPa−1·ms−1)
    0.667 7.0 3.0 1.0 0.461 3 0.3
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    表  5  材料的Steinberg-Guinan-Lund本构模型参数

    Table  5.   Steinberg-Guinan-Lund constitutive model parameters of the material

    Material ρ0/(g·cm−3) Y0/GPa β G0/GPa A0/Pa B0 n
    Mg 1.78 0.19 1 100.0 16.5 1.03×10−2 5.907 0.350
    W 18.30 1.87 7.7 145.0 1.03×10−3 1.764 0.300
    Steel 7.90 0.34 43.0 77.0 2.26×10−3 5.280 0.283
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    表  6  验证实验装置参数

    Table  6.   Device parameters for the confirmation experiment

    Part ρ0/(g·cm−3) Size
    Plane wave generator $\varnothing $100 mm, 37°
    HMX-based main explosive 1.849 $\varnothing $100 mm×30 mm
    Buffer plate 1.186 $\varnothing $100 mm×3 mm
    Tungsten alloy flyer 18.300 $\varnothing $100 mm×4 mm
    Clearance 1 1 mm
    Magnesium alloy flyer 1.776 $\varnothing $100 mm×1 mm
    Clearance 2 3 mm
    TATB based sample explosive 1.895 $\varnothing $20 mm×2 mm
    Sleeve $\varnothing $110 mm×52 mm
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