
肖佳欣 柏劲松 王涛

肖佳欣, 柏劲松, 王涛. 密度非均匀流场中冲击加载双模态界面失稳现象的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(1): 012301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20170501
引用本文: 肖佳欣, 柏劲松, 王涛. 密度非均匀流场中冲击加载双模态界面失稳现象的数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(1): 012301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20170501
XIAO Jiaxin, BAI Jingsong, WANG Tao. Numerical Study of Shock Wave Impacting on the Double-Mode Interface in Nonuniform Flows[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(1): 012301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20170501
Citation: XIAO Jiaxin, BAI Jingsong, WANG Tao. Numerical Study of Shock Wave Impacting on the Double-Mode Interface in Nonuniform Flows[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(1): 012301. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20170501


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20170501

国家自然科学基金 11532012

国家自然科学基金 11372294

科学挑战专题 JCKY2016212A501

挑战计划 TZ2016001


    肖佳欣(1992—), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事流体力学研究. E-mail: crystalshaw1125@126.com


    柏劲松(1968—), 男, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事计算力学研究. E-mail: bjsong@foxmail.com

  • 中图分类号: O354.5

Numerical Study of Shock Wave Impacting on the Double-Mode Interface in Nonuniform Flows

  • 摘要: 利用可压缩多介质黏性流动和湍流大涡模拟的二维计算程序MVFT-2D,针对初始非均匀流场密度为高斯分布、马赫数Ma=1.27激波作用下的双模态界面失稳现象,进行了数值模拟研究。数值模拟结果表明,处于非均匀流场中的双模态振幅耦合效应较弱,而且低密度区的初始大振幅界面扰动增长最快,高密度区的初始小振幅界面扰动增长最慢。通过进一步分析可知,在一定初始振幅范围内,非均匀流场低密度区的振幅增长率较高,混合区域更宽,湍动能较大,受初始振幅影响较大,导致该区域界面不稳定演化较快。其变化规律与均匀流场呈现相反趋势,说明非均匀流场界面不稳定性的发展规律与均匀流场存在较大差异。


  • 图  计算模型

    Figure  1.  Computational model

    图  均匀和非均匀流场的y方向密度

    Figure  2.  Density profiles of uniform and nonuniform flows

    图  t=1 ms时非均匀流场无扰动界面的密度云图

    Figure  3.  Density images of nonuniform flow without perturbation on interface at t=1 ms

    图  t=1 ms时不同初始振幅组合下的流场密度云图

    Figure  4.  Density images of uniform and nonuniform flows under different groups of initial amplitudes at t=1 ms

    图 A02不同情况下非均匀流场的振幅增长曲线

    Figure  5.  Perturbation amplitudes of nonuniform flows with 4 different amplitudes of A02

    图  均匀流场与非均匀流场高、低密度区的振幅变化

    Figure  6.  Perturbation amplitudes of uniform flow and high and low density zone of nonuniform flow with different A0

    图  不同初始扰动振幅下非均匀流场界面振幅增长率

    Figure  7.  Growth rate over time of nonuniform flows with 4 different amplitudes of A01

    图  非均匀流场高、低密度区及均匀流场中界面振幅增长率

    Figure  8.  Growth rate over time in high-density and low-density nonuniform flows and uniform flows

    图  初始均匀流场中不同初始振幅情况下的湍动能分布(实线:高密度;虚线:低密度)

    Figure  9.  Turbulent kinetic-energy profiles in high-density (solid line) and low-density (dashed line) uniform flows at various times under different initial amplitudes

    图  10  初始非均匀流场中不同初始振幅情况下的湍动能分布(实线:高密度;虚线:低密度)

    Figure  10.  Turbulent kinetic-energy profiles in high-density (dashed line) and low-density (solid line) nonuniform flows at various times under different initial amplitudes

    图  11  A01=2.5 mm,A02=7.5 mm时初始均匀和非均匀流场中尖钉处的斜压涡量分布

    Figure  11.  Baroclinic vorticity in uniform and nonuniform flows with A01=2.5 mm, A02=7.5 mm at various times

    表  1  气体参数

    Table  1.   Initial paramenters of air and SF6

    Gas Density/(kg·m-3) γ η/(10-6 m2·s-1) Prl D/(cm2·s-1)
    Air 1.29 1.40 15.5 0.71 0.204
    SF6 5.34 1.09 18.2 0.90 0.097
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    表  2  双模态界面的初始振幅

    Table  2.   Initial amplitudes of double-mode cosine interface

    No. A01/mm A02/mm
    1 5.0 7.5
    2 7.5 5.0
    3 2.5 7.5
    4 7.5 2.5
    5 7.5 7.5
    6 7.5 10.0
    7 10.0 7.5
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