
徐天成 邓袁昊 洪晨 黄海军 徐丰

徐天成, 邓袁昊, 洪晨, 黄海军, 徐丰. 金刚石压腔加载下硅油中的压力分布[J]. 高压物理学报. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240860
引用本文: 徐天成, 邓袁昊, 洪晨, 黄海军, 徐丰. 金刚石压腔加载下硅油中的压力分布[J]. 高压物理学报. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240860
XU Tiancheng, DENG Yuanhao, HONG Chen, HUANG Haijun, XU Feng. Pressure Distribution Investigation in Silicon Oil Compressed in Diamond Anvil Cell[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240860
Citation: XU Tiancheng, DENG Yuanhao, HONG Chen, HUANG Haijun, XU Feng. Pressure Distribution Investigation in Silicon Oil Compressed in Diamond Anvil Cell[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240860


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240860
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41504070,42274124)

    徐天成(2003-),男,本科,主要从事高压实验技术研究. E-mail:794356848@qq.com


    徐 丰(1984-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事高压物理研究. E-mail:xufeng@whut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2; O521.3

Pressure Distribution Investigation in Silicon Oil Compressed in Diamond Anvil Cell

  • 摘要: 金刚石压腔是被广泛使用的静高压装置之一,具有压力范围宽,光学适用性优良以及使用便利等优点,对高压科学的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。然而,压力较高时,传压介质固化等因素可能造成压腔内静水压环境失衡,从而产生压力梯度。采用皮秒超声技术测量压腔内各处的声学信号,通过声学数据分析获得了高压下样品腔内硅油的压力分布,结果显示:压力梯度随压强的升高而增大,从1 GPa时的1.3×10−4 GPa/μm增长为30 GPa时的5.3×10−2 GPa/μm。该方法不仅克服了以往实验技术在信号测量连续性、样品选择等方面的限制,还可在普通实验室搭建和使用。此外,还结合原位拉曼光谱技术,分析了加压过程中硅油中压力标准差的异常波动,该波动可能与硅油在经历了玻璃化转变之后发生固-固相变有关。


  • 图  (a) 皮秒超声实验装置(PBS为偏振分束器,λ/4为1/4波片,λ/2为1/2波片,AOM为声光调制器,DBP为二向色分束器,PD为光电探测器);(b) 放大的金刚石压腔(Transducer为光声换能介质(钨箔),样品腔的剩余空间由硅油填充,图中还注明了泵浦光和探测光的光路及声波的传播路径)

    Figure  1.  (a) Schematic of the picosecond ultrasonics experiment setup (PBS represents polarization beam splitter, λ/4 represents quarter waveplate, λ/2 represents half wave plate, AOM is acousto-optic modulator, DBP is dichroic beam splitter, and PD is photodetector); (b) enlarged diagram of the diamond anvil cell (transducer stands for the opto-acoustic transducer (tungsten foil), optical paths of pump and probe beams, as well as propagation of sound waves are shown as well in the figure)

    图  (a) 显微镜下DAC(最外圈的亮色圆环(直径为300 μm)对应金刚石台面,中间的浅色圆片为钨箔,图中标出了测量点1、2和3以及红宝石的位置);(b) 4.1 GPa时点1处采集的超声原始信号;(c) 去除热背底后的布里渊振荡信号;(d) 将(c)进行快速傅里叶变化后得到的频域信号

    Figure  2.  (a) Image inside the DAC observed under microscope (The outermost bright-colored circular region stands for the culet area with diameter of 300 μm. The middle-most light-colored circular plate are the tungsten foil, measuring positions 1, 2, and 3, aswell as the location of ruby are labeled.); (b) raw signal of picosecond ultrasonics collected at pressure of 4.1 GPa at Position 1;(c) Brillouin oscillations after subtraction of the thermal background; (d) frequency spectrum after Fourier transformation of (c)

    图  (a) 高压下点1、2和3处的压力分布及其误差;(b) 各点与点3之间的压力差(点3设为参照,其压强均设置为零)

    Figure  3.  (a) Pressure distribution at measuring positions 1, 2 and 3; (b) corresponding pressure gradient(the pressure gradient at point 3 is set to zero)

    图  高压下各测量点位间压力的标准差

    Figure  4.  Standard deviation of the pressures measured at different measuring positions at different pressures

    图  高压下硅油的拉曼光谱

    Figure  5.  Raman spectra of silicon oil at different pressures

    表  1  高压下3个测量点处采集的布里渊振荡频率和由红宝石标定的压强

    Table  1.   Brillouin oscillation frequencies collected at the three measuring positions and pressures calibrated by ruby at different pressure steps

    No. Frequency/GHz Pressure on ruby/GPa
    Position 1 Position 2 Position 3
    1 13.07(6) 13.04(6) 13.04(6) 1.0
    2 21.56(12) 21.51(12) 21.43(12) 4.1
    3 25.52(14) 25.42(14) 25.36(14) 7.0
    4 29.38(18) 29.18(18) 28.99(18) 10.2
    5 33.17(17) 33.09(17) 33.01(17) 13.8
    6 38.10(20) 37.74(20) 37.50(20) 20.2
    7 41.98(22) 41.67(22) 41.30(22) 25.0
    8 45.79(24) 45.58(24) 45.05(24) 30.0
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