
何志伟 岳嘉伟 黄振祎 胡前浩 周圣涛

何志伟, 岳嘉伟, 黄振祎, 胡前浩, 周圣涛. 甲酸铵含量对现场混装乳胶基质流变及热分解性能的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(1): 011302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240845
引用本文: 何志伟, 岳嘉伟, 黄振祎, 胡前浩, 周圣涛. 甲酸铵含量对现场混装乳胶基质流变及热分解性能的影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2025, 39(1): 011302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240845
HE Zhiwei, YUE Jiawei, HUANG Zhenyi, HU Qianhao, ZHOU Shengtao. Influence of Ammonium Formate Content on Rheological and Thermal Decomposition Properties of On-Site Mixed Emulsion Matrix[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(1): 011302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240845
Citation: HE Zhiwei, YUE Jiawei, HUANG Zhenyi, HU Qianhao, ZHOU Shengtao. Influence of Ammonium Formate Content on Rheological and Thermal Decomposition Properties of On-Site Mixed Emulsion Matrix[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2025, 39(1): 011302. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240845


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20240845
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51404006)

    何志伟(1979-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事含能材料配方研究. E-mail:751601138@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TJ55; O521.2; TQ560.1

Influence of Ammonium Formate Content on Rheological and Thermal Decomposition Properties of On-Site Mixed Emulsion Matrix

  • 摘要: 为提高现场混装乳化炸药的耐高温性能,制备了4种不同甲酸铵含量的现场混装乳化炸药基质样品。采用旋转流变仪和同步热分析仪研究了4种样品的流动性、黏弹性、黏温及其热分解性能。结果表明:加入甲酸铵可以提高现场混装乳胶基质的黏度,且随着甲酸铵质量分数的增加,样品的黏度出现先增大后减小的趋势;与未添加甲酸铵的样品相比,加入甲酸铵的样品的弹性模量增大,稳定性增强;当甲酸铵的质量分数不大于9%时,在50 ℃左右的温度下,乳胶基质的黏度均能够满足泵送要求;甲酸铵的加入对乳胶基质的热分解过程没有明显影响;随着甲酸铵质量分数的增加,其外推起始分解温度、活化能、热爆炸临界温度和自加速分解温度均有所增加,现场混装乳胶基质的热稳定性和热安全性得到提升。


  • 图  4种样品的流动性曲线

    Figure  1.  Flow curves for the four kinds of samples

    图  4种样品的黏弹性曲线

    Figure  2.  Viscoelastic curves for the four kinds of samples

    图  4种样品的黏度-温度曲线

    Figure  3.  Viscosity-temperature curves for the four kinds of samples

    图  4种样品的TG曲线

    Figure  4.  TG curves for the four kinds of samples

    图  4种样品的DTG曲线

    Figure  5.  DTG curves for the four kinds of samples

    表  1  乳胶基质配方

    Table  1.   Formulation of emulsion matrix

    SamplesMass fraction/%
    ANSNWaterAmmonium formateEngine oilDieselSpan-80
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    表  2  乳胶基质的$G'_{\mathrm{m}} $、$\gamma_{\mathrm{cr}} $与内聚力

    Table  2.   Emulsion matrix $G'_{\mathrm{m}} $,$\gamma_{\mathrm{cr}} $ and cohesion

    Samples $G'_{\mathrm{m}} $/Pa $\gamma_{\mathrm{cr}} $/% Cohesion/Pa
    1 815 4.59 37.41
    2 861 4.36 37.53
    3 984 4.26 41.92
    4 1 010 3.94 39.79
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    表  3  4种样品的热分解特征温度

    Table  3.   Thermal decomposition characteristic temperatures of the four kinds of samples

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    表  4  Kissger法计算得到的$E_\text{a}$和${\mathrm{lg}}\;A_{\mathrm{k}} $

    Table  4.   $E_\text{a} $ and ${\mathrm{lg}}\;A_{\mathrm{k}} $ calculated through Kissinger method

    Samples $E_\text{a} $/(kJ·mol−1) lg Ak/(kJ·mol−1) R2
    1 103.61 6.69 0.984 2
    2 124.33 8.75 0.995 9
    3 151.42 10.97 0.989 0
    4 178.06 13.58 0.995 0
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    表  5  4种样品的$T_{\mathrm{b}} $和$T_{{\mathrm{SADT}}} $

    Table  5.   $T_{\mathrm{b}} $ and $T_{{\mathrm{SADT}}} $ of four kinds of samples

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    表  6  4种样品的$\Delta {H^ \ne } $、$\Delta {S^ \ne } $和$\Delta {G^ \ne } $

    Table  6.   $\Delta {H^ \ne } $、 $\Delta {S^ \ne } $ and $\Delta {G^ \ne } $ of four kinds of samples

    Samples ΔH/(kJ·mol−1) S/(J·mol−1·K−1) G/(kJ·mol−1)
    1 99.60 −63.47 130.21
    2 120.04 −24.45 132.65
    3 146.94 17.63 137.44
    4 173.67 67.74 137.94
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