Application of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Source in High Pressure Research
摘要: 同步辐射X射线与基于金刚石对顶砧(DAC)和大体积压机(LVP)的静高压技术的结合推动了高压科学的发展。上海同步辐射光源(SSRF)是性能指标达到世界一流的中能第三代同步辐射光源,其中的硬X射线微聚焦及应用光束线站(BL15U1)具备高通量、能量可调的单色微束X射线,空间分辨达到微米至亚微米量级,在开展DAC高压研究方面有相当大的优势。自2010年对从事高压科学研究的用户开放以来,国内外高压科学研究者综合利用BL15U1线站高压实验方法取得了一系列有影响力的成果。此外,在建的上海光源二期线站工程中的超硬多功能线站(BL12SW)中配备200 t和2 000 t大压机,将成为开展LVP原位高压实验的有力平台。为促进用户对SSRF高压研究相关线站的了解,更好地利用相关平台开展研究工作,并为后续线站建设和实验方法发展提出宝贵建议,本文对BL15U1和BL12SW线站的布局、性能指标、实验站主要设施以及相关实验方法等进行了较为完整的介绍。Abstract: The combination of synchrotron X-ray radiation and static high pressure technology based on diamond anvil cell (DAC) and large volume press (LVP) has fundamentally promoted the development of high pressure science. Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) is one of the advanced third generation light sources in the world, the hard X-ray micro-focusing beamline (BL15U1) of SSRF provides a monochromatic micro X-ray beam with high flux and adjustable energy, whose spatial resolution reaches the order of micrometer to submicron, and it has considerable advantages in DAC high-pressure experiments. Since it provided beamline time to high-pressure researchers in 2010, a series of influential achievements have been produced by using the related high pressure experimental methods at BL15U1. Moreover, the ultra-hard X-ray multi-functional beamline (BL12SW) in SSRF phase II is equipped with 200 t and 2000 t of LVP, which is a powerful platform for LVP experiments. In order to promote high pressure researchers to have a full understanding of the high pressure beamline at SSRF and make better use of relevant platforms to carry out research work, as well as to put forward valuable suggestions for the follow-up beamline construction and the development of experimental methods. In this paper, the layout, beamline specifications, main facilities and related experimental methods of BL15U1 and BL12SW beamlines are introduced in detail.
Key words:
- Shanghai synchrotron radiation /
- high pressure /
- beamlines /
- diamond anvil cell /
- large volume press
表 1 HXMF线站的主要指标
Table 1. Main parameters of HXMF beamline
Light source type Energy/
keVEnergy resolution
($ {\text{Δ}}E/E$)Photon flux/[phs·s−1·$ {\text{μ}}{\rm{m}}$−2·
(0.1%B.W.)−1]Beam size at sample/
(μm × μm)Divergence at sample/
(mrad × mrad)Undulator 5−20 < 2 × 10−4
Si (111)> 1012 < 2 × 2
(K-B mirrors)< 2 (H) × 1.5 (V)
(K-B mirrors)表 2 超硬多功能线站的技术指标
Table 2. Technical specification of super-hard multifunction station
Energy/keV Energy resolution ($ {\text{Δ}}E/E$) Photon flux/(phs·s−1@100 keV@25 μrad) Spot size at sample/(mm×mm) 30−150 < 9 × 10−3 2 × 1011 0.5 × 0.5(Focused mode);
Max:100 (H) × 30 (V)
(Non-focusing mode) -
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