
王以贤 梁为民

王以贤, 梁为民. 冲击荷载对无烟煤微观孔隙影响的分形研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(5): 054203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200528
引用本文: 王以贤, 梁为民. 冲击荷载对无烟煤微观孔隙影响的分形研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(5): 054203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200528
WANG Yixian, LIANG Weimin. Fractal Study on Influence of Impact Load on Microscopic Pore of Anthracite[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(5): 054203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200528
Citation: WANG Yixian, LIANG Weimin. Fractal Study on Influence of Impact Load on Microscopic Pore of Anthracite[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(5): 054203. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200528


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200528
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(41772163)




  • 中图分类号: O347.2

Fractal Study on Influence of Impact Load on Microscopic Pore of Anthracite

  • 摘要: 为了揭示冲击荷载对无烟煤微观孔隙结构的影响规律,利用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)冲击实验系统模拟了冲击应力在不同衰减过程中的冲击波和应力波,基于冲击前后压汞实验及低温液氮实验测试数据,运用分形理论,研究了赵固二矿不同方向煤体(与层理方向分别呈垂直、平行、45°斜交)冲击前后孔隙结构的分形特征。结果表明:对于渗流孔,冲击荷载提高了瓦斯的渗流与运移速度,对于吸附孔,冲击荷载减小了吸附孔的吸附能力,促进了瓦斯的解吸;分形维数具有明显的冲击方向性,且吸附孔的分形维数明显小于渗流孔;不同方向无烟煤的最佳冲击荷载不同,垂直和斜交层理方向的最佳冲击荷载为51.80 MPa,平行层理方向的最佳冲击荷载为28.46 MPa。研究结果可为冲击荷载促进瓦斯抽采机理的探讨提供参考。


  • 图  煤样图片及尺寸

    Figure  1.  Picture and size of the coal sample

    图  实验方案

    Figure  2.  Experimental scheme

    图  垂直层理方向渗流孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  3.  Fractal dimension of the seepage hole in the vertical bedding direction

    图  平行层理方向渗流孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  4.  Fractal dimension of the seepage hole in the parallel bedding direction

    图  斜交层理方向渗流孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  5.  Fractal dimension of the seepage hole in the oblique bedding direction

    图  垂直层理方向吸附孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  6.  Fractal dimension of the adsorption hole in the vertical bedding direction

    图  平行层理方向吸附孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  7.  Fractal dimension of the adsorption hole in the parallel bedding direction

    图  斜交层理方向吸附孔分形维数的对比

    Figure  8.  Fractal dimension of the adsorption hole in the oblique bedding direction

    图  不同方向煤体渗流孔与吸附孔分形维数减小率随冲击荷载的变化

    Figure  9.  Fractal dimension reduction rates of the seepage hole and adsorption hole vary with the impact load

    图  10  不同方向煤体的分形维数与冲击荷载之间的关系

    Figure  10.  Relationship between the fractal dimension and the impact load of coal bodies in different directions

    表  1  煤样基本参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters of coal samples

    No.$\;\rho $/(g·cm−3)fc/MPa CL/(km·s−1)R0,max/%Mass fraction/%
    Fixed carbonExiniteVitriniteInertinite
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    表  2  实验数据表

    Table  2.   Impact test data

    DirectionpI/MPapL/MPaNo.Size/mm × mm$ D_{\rm{s} }$$\bar D_{\rm{s} }$$R_{\rm{s} }^2$$ D_{\rm{x} }$$\bar D_{\rm{x} }$$R_{\rm{x}}^2$$d $$\bar d$
    0.1028.46C1 $ \varnothing $49.75 × 50.332.852.850.952.312.230.950.140.14
    C2$ \varnothing $49.33 × 49.892.920.962.210.930.16
    C3$ \varnothing $49.34 × 50.422.790.952.170.960.12
    0.1532.59C4$ \varnothing $49.42 × 49.572.732.730.992.192.190.950.180.16
    C5$ \varnothing $49.66 × 49.932.780.972.230.960.12
    C6$ \varnothing $49.42 × 50.842.690.942.150.950.18
    0.2041.43C7$ \varnothing $49.39 × 49.932.632.682.052.130.960.180.17
    C8$ \varnothing $49.42 × 49.762.710.982.210.970.17
    C9$ \varnothing $49.45 × 50.282.690.992.130.980.15
    0.3051.80C10$ \varnothing $49.52 × 50.472.562.510.992.052.050.990.170.19
    C11$ \varnothing $49.36 × 49.782.640.962.090.960.19
    C12$ \varnothing $49.27 × 50.272.340.942.010.960.22
    0.5058.70C13$ \varnothing $49.38 × 50.472.742.730.922.112.120.920.330.44
    C14$ \varnothing $49.45 × 50.212.790.942.170.930.57
    C15$ \varnothing $49.49 × 49.442.670.952.070.980.42
    0.1028.46P1$ \varnothing $49.29 × 50.112.572.570.992.032.030.980.130.13
    P2$ \varnothing $49.36 × 50.372.650.982.050.950.11
    P3$ \varnothing $49.47 × 49.882.500.992.020.960.15
    0.1532.59P4$ \varnothing $49.31 × 49.322.582.580.972.
    P5$ \varnothing $49.33 × 50.282.610.982.190.950.22
    P6$ \varnothing $49.31 × 49.162.560.952.110.970.22
    0.2041.43P7$ \varnothing $49.33 × 50.332.642.640.922.202.190.950.180.28
    P8$ \varnothing $49.60 × 49.852.680.932.140.960.22
    P9$ \varnothing $49.31 × 50.112.610.952.240.980.44
    0.3051.80P10$ \varnothing $49.31 × 50.402.812.810.942.212.180.950.370.34
    P11$ \varnothing $49.05 × 49.872.850.952.160.970.30
    P12$ \varnothing $49.42 × 49.872.780.942.180.960.35
    0.5058.70P13$ \varnothing $49.40 × 49.932.892.810.952.822.730.970.540.50
    P14$ \varnothing $49.62 × 49.962.810.992.730.960.49
    P15$ \varnothing $49.32 × 49.792.730.952.630.960.47
    45° oblique bedding00YX12.812.810.942.772.780.95
    0.1028.46X1$ \varnothing $49.49 × 50.032.752.750.992.382.380.970.170.16
    X2$ \varnothing $49.27 × 49.632.810.982.280.950.19
    X3$ \varnothing $49.31 × 49.302.680.972.470.960.12
    0.1532.59X4$ \varnothing $49.24 × 49.932.672.650.992.392.310.980.290.24
    X5$ \varnothing $49.27 × 49.332.750.952.310.960.21
    X6$ \varnothing $49.27 × 49.822.540.982.230.950.22
    0.2041.43X7$ \varnothing $49.25 × 49.902.762.700.952.082.120.940.200.22
    X8$ \varnothing $49.60 × 49.382.710.922.170.920.21
    X9$ \varnothing $49.29 × 49.052.640.932.120.930.25
    0.3051.80X10$ \varnothing $49.40 × 50.282.472.550.982.012.060.930.210.18
    X11$ \varnothing $49.38 × 50.882.610.962.070.920.17
    X12$ \varnothing $49.71 × 50.022.580.972.110.950.16
    0.5058.70X13$ \varnothing $49.66 × 50.442.792.730.982.262.280.960.630.71
    X14$ \varnothing $49.73 × 49.912.750.972.310.940.72
    X15$ \varnothing $49.46 × 50.052.640.962.280.930.78
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