Research on Small Tungsten Spheres Penetrating into Pine Target with Body Armor
摘要: 为获得小钨球对防弹衣加人体等效靶的侵彻性能,对小钨球侵彻Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶进行了试验研究。在此基础上,结合小钨球侵彻LY-12硬铝靶试验与数值模拟,研究了LY-12硬铝靶与Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶之间的等效关系,并通过量纲分析方法建立了小钨球侵彻Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶的弹道极限预测公式,分析了小钨球质量变化对其侵彻性能影响的规律。结果表明:对于小钨球的侵彻,Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶可等效为6.2 mm厚LY-12硬铝靶;弹道极限预测公式的预测值与试验值吻合良好,并且随着钨球质量的增加,弹道极限近似服从幂函数递减规律。研究结果对单兵破片战斗部的改进设计具有一定的参考价值。Abstract: In order to study the penetration performance of small tungsten spheres on the human equivalent target with body armor, the test of small tungsten spheres penetrating 25 mm thick pine target with Class Ⅲ soft body armor is carried out. On this basis, the equivalent relationships between 25 mm thick pine target with Class Ⅲ soft body armor and LY-12 hard aluminum target are studied by combining the experiment and numerical simulation of small tungsten spheres penetrating LY-12 hard aluminum target. According to the method of dimensional analysis, the ballistic limit prediction formula of small tungsten spheres penetrating 25 mm thick pine target with Class Ⅲ soft body armor is established and the influence of the mass change of small tungsten spheres on the penetration performance is studied. The experimental results reveal that for the penetration of small tungsten spheres, a 25 mm thick pine target with Class Ⅲ soft body armor can be equivalent to a 6.2 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target. The predicted value of ballistic limit prediction formula is in good agreement with the test value. And with the increase of the mass of tungsten spheres, the ballistic limit approximately obeys the law of decreasing power function. The research results have certain reference value for the improvement and design of individual fragment warhead.
Key words:
- small tungsten sphere /
- body armor /
- pine target /
- numerical simulation /
- equivalent target /
- dimensional analysis /
- ballistic limit
表 1 R-I模型参数
Table 1. R-I model parameters
Target type $ a $ vbl/(m·s−1) $ p $ Body armor + Pine composite target 0.73 692.9 2 8 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target 0.77 850.1 2 表 2 弹靶材料模型参数
Table 2. Material model parameters of projectile and target
Material ρ/(g·cm−3) E/GPa μ SIGY/MPa ETAN/MPa SRC SRP FS Tungsten alloy 18.1 367 0.303 1506 792 3.9 6 1.2 LY-12 hard aluminum 2.78 71 0.3 375 1000 0 0 0.8 表 3 钨球侵彻不同厚度LY-12硬铝靶的仿真结果
Table 3. Simulation results of tungsten sphere penetrating LY-12 hard aluminum target with different thicknesses
Initial velocity/(m·s−1) Thickness of target/mm Residual velocity/(m·s−1) Penetration result 692.9 6.10 63.0 Penetration 6.20 21.4 Penetration 6.21 0 Embedment 6.25 0 Embedment 6.30 0 Embedment 表 4 钨球侵彻原型靶与等效靶弹道极限的对比
Table 4. Comparison of ballistic limits between tungsten spheres penetrating prototype target and the equivalent target
Type of tungsten sphere Target type Ballistic limit/(m·s−1) Relative error/% 0.21 g, $ \varnothing $2.8 mm Body armor + Pine composite target 692.9 1.8 6.2 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target 705.2 0.17 g, $ \varnothing $2.6 mm Body armor + Pine composite target 742.3 2.2 6.2 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target 758.7 表 5 确定弹道极限的主要物理量
Table 5. Main physical quantities for determining ballistic limit
Material Physical quantity Dimension Tungsten sphere Density ρp/(kg·m−3) ML−3 Diameter Dp/Pa L Elastic modulus $ {E}$p/Pa L−1MT−2 Yield strength $ {\sigma }$sp/Pa L−1MT−2 Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon } $p 1 Sound velocity $ {C}$p/(m·s−1) LT−1 Body armor Density ρf /(kg·m−3) ML−3 Thickness $ {h}$f /m L Elastic modulus $ {E}$f /Pa L−1MT−2 Compressive strength $ {\sigma }$sf /Pa L−1MT−2 Shear strength $ {\sigma }_{\tau}$f /Pa L−1MT−2 Tensile strength $ {\sigma } $ff /Pa L−1MT−2 Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon }$f 1 Sound velocity $ {C} $f /(m·s−1) LT−1 Pine Density ρs/(kg·m−3) ML−3 Thickness $ {h} $s/m L Elastic modulus $ {E} $s/Pa L−1MT−2 Failure stress $ {\sigma }$ss/Pa L−1MT−2 Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon }$s 1 Sound velocity $ {C}$s/(m·s−1) LT−1 表 6 不同方法计算的弹道极限的比较
Table 6. Comparison of ballistic limits calculated by different methods
Mass of tungsten sphere/g Diameter of tungsten sphere/mm Ballistic limit/(m·s−1) Relative error/% Calculated Simulated 0.26 3.02 643.8 649 −0.8 0.31 3.20 609.9 623 −2.1 0.36 3.36 582.8 599 −2.8 0.41 3.52 558.1 580 −3.9 0.46 3.64 540.9 561 −3.7 表 7 0.20 g钨球侵彻防弹衣+红松木复合靶的弹道极限的试验值与计算值的对比
Table 7. Comparison between experimental and calculated values of ballistic limits of tungsten spheres with mass of 0.20 g penetrating body armor and pine composite target
Type of tungsten sphere Ballistic limit/(m·s−1) Relative error/% Experimental value Calculated value 0.20 g,$\varnothing$2.8 mm 709.4 702.5 −1.0 -
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