
唐昌州 智小琦 徐锦波 陈志斌

唐昌州, 智小琦, 徐锦波, 陈志斌. 小钨球对防弹衣加松木靶的侵彻研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(5): 055101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200506
引用本文: 唐昌州, 智小琦, 徐锦波, 陈志斌. 小钨球对防弹衣加松木靶的侵彻研究[J]. 高压物理学报, 2020, 34(5): 055101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200506
TANG Changzhou, ZHI Xiaoqi, XU Jinbo, CHEN Zhibin. Research on Small Tungsten Spheres Penetrating into Pine Target with Body Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(5): 055101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200506
Citation: TANG Changzhou, ZHI Xiaoqi, XU Jinbo, CHEN Zhibin. Research on Small Tungsten Spheres Penetrating into Pine Target with Body Armor[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2020, 34(5): 055101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200506


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20200506

    唐昌州(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事弹药工程与毁伤技术研究. E-mail:562870134@qq.com


    智小琦(1963-),女,博士,教授,主要从事武器毁伤与装药技术研究. E-mail:zxq4060@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: TJ012.4

Research on Small Tungsten Spheres Penetrating into Pine Target with Body Armor

  • 摘要: 为获得小钨球对防弹衣加人体等效靶的侵彻性能,对小钨球侵彻Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶进行了试验研究。在此基础上,结合小钨球侵彻LY-12硬铝靶试验与数值模拟,研究了LY-12硬铝靶与Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶之间的等效关系,并通过量纲分析方法建立了小钨球侵彻Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶的弹道极限预测公式,分析了小钨球质量变化对其侵彻性能影响的规律。结果表明:对于小钨球的侵彻,Ⅲ级软体防弹衣加25 mm厚红松靶可等效为6.2 mm厚LY-12硬铝靶;弹道极限预测公式的预测值与试验值吻合良好,并且随着钨球质量的增加,弹道极限近似服从幂函数递减规律。研究结果对单兵破片战斗部的改进设计具有一定的参考价值。


  • 图  钨球及弹托

    Figure  1.  Tungsten spheres and sabots

    图  试验布置示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic of experimental set-up

    图  试验后的防弹衣和红松木

    Figure  3.  Body armor and pine after the experiment

    图  防弹纤维的典型损伤

    Figure  4.  Typical damage of bulletproof fiber

    图  试验后LY-12硬铝靶状态图

    Figure  5.  States of LY-12 hard aluminum target after the experiment

    图  钨球侵彻靶板的剩余速度-着靶速度曲线

    Figure  6.  Residual velocity-initial velocity curves of tungsten spheres penetrating targets

    图  有限元模型

    Figure  7.  Finite element model

    图  仿真值与试验值的对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison between simulation results and experimental results

    表  1  R-I模型参数

    Table  1.   R-I model parameters

    Target type$ a $vbl/(m·s−1)$ p $
    Body armor + Pine composite target0.73692.92
    8 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target0.77850.12
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    表  2  弹靶材料模型参数

    Table  2.   Material model parameters of projectile and target

    Tungsten alloy18.13670.3031506 7923.961.2
    LY-12 hard aluminum 2.78 710.3 3751000000.8
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    表  3  钨球侵彻不同厚度LY-12硬铝靶的仿真结果

    Table  3.   Simulation results of tungsten sphere penetrating LY-12 hard aluminum target with different thicknesses

    Initial velocity/(m·s−1)Thickness of target/mmResidual velocity/(m·s−1)Penetration result
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    表  4  钨球侵彻原型靶与等效靶弹道极限的对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of ballistic limits between tungsten spheres penetrating prototype target and the equivalent target

    Type of tungsten sphereTarget typeBallistic limit/(m·s−1)Relative error/%
    0.21 g, $ \varnothing $2.8 mmBody armor + Pine composite target692.91.8
    6.2 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target705.2
    0.17 g, $ \varnothing $2.6 mmBody armor + Pine composite target742.32.2
    6.2 mm thick LY-12 hard aluminum target758.7
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    表  5  确定弹道极限的主要物理量

    Table  5.   Main physical quantities for determining ballistic limit

    MaterialPhysical quantityDimension
    Tungsten sphereDensity ρp/(kg·m−3)ML−3
    Diameter Dp/PaL
    Elastic modulus $ {E}$p/PaL−1MT−2
    Yield strength $ {\sigma }$sp/PaL−1MT−2
    Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon } $p1
    Sound velocity $ {C}$p/(m·s−1)LT−1
    Body armorDensity ρf /(kg·m−3)ML−3
    Thickness $ {h}$f /mL
    Elastic modulus $ {E}$f /PaL−1MT−2
    Compressive strength $ {\sigma }$sf /PaL−1MT−2
    Shear strength $ {\sigma }_{\tau}$f /PaL−1MT−2
    Tensile strength $ {\sigma } $ff /PaL−1MT−2
    Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon }$f 1
    Sound velocity $ {C} $f /(m·s−1)LT−1
    PineDensity ρs/(kg·m−3)ML−3
    Thickness $ {h} $s/mL
    Elastic modulus $ {E} $s/PaL−1MT−2
    Failure stress $ {\sigma }$ss/PaL−1MT−2
    Characteristic strain $ {\varepsilon }$s1
    Sound velocity $ {C}$s/(m·s−1)LT−1
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    表  6  不同方法计算的弹道极限的比较

    Table  6.   Comparison of ballistic limits calculated by different methods

    Mass of tungsten sphere/gDiameter of tungsten sphere/mmBallistic limit/(m·s−1)Relative error/%
    Calculated Simulated
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    表  7  0.20 g钨球侵彻防弹衣+红松木复合靶的弹道极限的试验值与计算值的对比

    Table  7.   Comparison between experimental and calculated values of ballistic limits of tungsten spheres with mass of 0.20 g penetrating body armor and pine composite target

    Type of tungsten sphereBallistic limit/(m·s−1)Relative error/%
    Experimental valueCalculated value
    0.20 g,$\varnothing$2.8 mm709.4702.5−1.0
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