
刘海风 张弓木 张其黎 宋红州 李琼 赵艳红 孙博 宋海峰

刘海风, 张弓木, 张其黎, 宋红州, 李琼, 赵艳红, 孙博, 宋海峰. 氢氘物态方程研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(5): 050101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180587
引用本文: 刘海风, 张弓木, 张其黎, 宋红州, 李琼, 赵艳红, 孙博, 宋海峰. 氢氘物态方程研究进展[J]. 高压物理学报, 2018, 32(5): 050101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180587
LIU Haifeng, ZHANG Gongmu, ZHANG Qili, SONG Hongzhou, LI Qiong, ZHAO Yanhong, SUN Bo, SONG Haifeng. Progress on Equation of State of Hydrogen and Deuterium[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(5): 050101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180587
Citation: LIU Haifeng, ZHANG Gongmu, ZHANG Qili, SONG Hongzhou, LI Qiong, ZHAO Yanhong, SUN Bo, SONG Haifeng. Progress on Equation of State of Hydrogen and Deuterium[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2018, 32(5): 050101. doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180587


doi: 10.11858/gywlxb.20180587

中国工程物理研究院科学技术基金 990105

国家自然科学基金青年项目 11604018

国家自然科学基金重点项目 10135010

科学挑战计划 TZ2016001


    刘海风(1968—), 女, 硕士, 研究员, 长期从事物态方程理论研究. E-mail: liu_haifeng@iapcm.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O521.2

Progress on Equation of State of Hydrogen and Deuterium

  • 摘要: 针对近二十多年的氢氘物态方程理论研究工作进行了综述分析,结合本课题组改进的自由能模型、直接量子蒙特卡洛和量子分子动力学方法的模拟结果,对多个研究小组采用不同方法获得的氢氘宽区物态方程数据进行了定量评估分析。结果表明:在当前理论框架下,仅基于第一原理数值模拟得到的氢氘物态方程能够描述的热力学相空间有限;多模型集成的H-REOS.3数据库在105 K以下温度与数值模拟结果的相对差别较大,且数据稀少,二者均不能满足工程应用需求。建议采用基于半经验模型的宽区域物态方程研究方法,即结合高精度的实验研究、数值模拟和解析模型,构建满足工程应用需求的氢氘宽区实用物态方程。


  • 图  QMD模拟氘物态方程的压强相对偏差

    (下标i分别指代Gali2000、Desjarlais2003、Liu2004、Bonev2004、Danel2016、Lenosky2000, 以下类似)

    Figure  1.  Relative differences of pressure from QMD simulation for deuterium

    (The subscript i represents Gali2000, Desjarlais2003, Liu2004, Bonev2004, Danel2016, Lenosky2000, respectively.Similarly hereinafter.)

    图  QMD模拟氢物态方程的压强相对偏差

    Figure  2.  Relative differences of pressure from QMD simulation for hydrogen

    图  不同泛函计算的氘物态方程压强相对差别

    Figure  3.  Relative differences of pressure from QMD simulation for deuterium in different exchange-correlation analysis

    图  PIMC模拟氘物态方程的压强相对偏差

    Figure  4.  Relative differences of pressure from PIMC simulation for deuterium

    图  PIMC模拟氢物态方程的压强相对偏差

    Figure  5.  Relative differences of pressure from PIMC simulation for hydrogen

    图  氢的MP2011与REOS物态方程的相对偏差

    Figure  6.  Relative differences of equation of state for hydrogen between MP2011 and REOS

    图  RPIMC模拟的氘物态方程与REOS物态方程的相对偏差

    (图 7(b)中粉色“+”号表示PIMC模拟数据点对应的温度、密度状态)

    Figure  7.  Relative differences of equation of state for deuterium between RPIMC and REOS

    (The pink pluses in Fig. 7(b) are the points' corresponding states in PIMC)

    图  DFT模拟的氢物态方程与REOS物态方程的相对偏差

    (图 8(b)中粉色“+”号表示DFT模拟数据点对应的温度、密度状态)

    Figure  8.  Relative differences of equation of state for hydrogen between DFT and REOS

    (The pink pluses in Fig. 8(b) are the points' corresponding states in DFT)

    图  改进的自由能模型计算的氢物态方程(LiEOS)与REOS物态方程的相对偏差

    (图 9(b)中粉色“+”号表示REOS数据对应的温度、密度状态点)

    Figure  9.  Relative differences of equation of state for deuterium between modified free energy model (LiEOS) and REOS

    (The pink pluses in Fig. 9(b) are the points' corresponding the states in REOS)

    表  1  氢氘物态方程的QMD模拟工作

    Table  1.   Works of QMD simulation for equation of state of hydrogen and deuterium

    Isotope Time Firstauthor Ref. Method Code Organization Temperature/K Density/(g·cm-3)
    D 1997 T. J. Lenosky [135] TBMD LANL 3 000-31 250 0.58-1.47
    D 2000 G. Galli [136] CPMD GP code LLNL 10 000 0.67,1.0
    D 2000 S. Bagnier [137] BOMD VASP CEA The effect of the local-spin-density-approximation functional
    D 2000 T. J. Lenosky [138] BOMD VASP LLNL,LANL 2 000-31 500 0.506-0.851
    D 2002 F. Gygi [139] CPMD GP code LLNL The compressibility is determined by shock-induced electronic excitations
    D 2003 M. P. Desjarlais [140] BOMD VASP SNL 3 800-50 105 0.553-1.756
    D 2004 S. A. Bonev [141] CPMD GP code LLNL 20-19 860 0.171-0.779
    D 2004 H. F.Liu [149] BOMD VASP IAPCM 1 000-10 000 0.506-1.0
    D 2016 J. F. Danel [142] QMD,OFWMD ABINIT,VAAQP CEA 11 604-116 045 0.2-20
    D 2016 V. V. Karasiev [143] QMD,OFMD PROFESS@Q-ESPRESSO,ABINIT Universityof Florida 2 000-250 000 0.2-10, No data list
    D 2017 M. D. Knudson [12] QMD VASP,Diff Exc SNL, WashingtonState University
    H 2001 L. A. Collins [146] BOMD VASP LANL,LLNL 5 000-30 000 0.334-0.525
    H 2008 B. Holst [147] BOMD VASP Institut für Physik,SNL 500-20 000 0.5-5.0
    H 2010 M. A. Morales [126] BOMD,QMC QBOX,CEIMC University of Illinois,University of L'Aquila 2 000-10 000 0.724-2.329
    H 2011 L. Caillabet [148] QMD,CEIMC PIMC, QMD, CEIMC CEA -116 045 0.2-5
    H 2013 C. Wang [151] QMD,OFMD ABINIT IAPCM 1.564×104-5.004441×107 9.82×10-3-1.347×103
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    表  2  氢氘物态方程的QMC数值模拟

    Table  2.   Works of QMC simulation for equation of state of hydrogen and deuterium

    Isotope Time Firstauthor Ref. Method Organization Temperature/K Density/(g·cm-3)
    D 2000 B. Militzer [114] PIMC(VDM) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 105-106 0.674,0.838
    D 2004 V. Bezkrovniy [155] DPIMC Universität Greifswald, Domstrasse, Germany;Russian Academy of Science 15 625-1 000 000 0.674,0.838,1.097
    D 2011 S. X. Hu [46] RPIMC University of Rochester,University of California 15 665-63 822 000 0.002-1 596
    H 20012003 V. S. Filinov [117]
    DPIMC Russian Academy of Sciences 31 250-106 0.419
    H 2001 B. Militzer [114] RPIMC LLNL,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5 000-250 000 9.833×10-4-0.153
    H 2004 C. Pierleoni [121] CEIMC Universita' of L'Aquila, Via Vetoio, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Université Pierre et Marie Curie 300-10 000 5.267,2.697,1.561
    H 2010 M. A. Morales [126] CEIMC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of L'Aquila, Italy 2 000-10 000 0.724-2.329
    H 2011 L. Caillabet [148] QMD,CEIMC CEA 116 045 0.2-5
    H 2015 Q. L. Zhang [150] DPIMC IAPCM 116 045 0.98×10-3-1 346.1
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