High Pressure Investigation on the Alkaline-Earth Metal Hydride
摘要: 富氢化合物的压致金属化和超导电性是实现金属氢和高温超导体的有效途径,已成为物理学、材料科学等学科的研究热点之一。从应用上看,富氢化合物是潜在的储氢材料,研究高压下富氢化合物结构和性质变化是提升其储氢性能的有效手段。以典型的第二主族氢化物为例,简要地介绍了第二主族氢化物在高压下的实验与理论研究成果,包括高压结构相变、新结构的稳定性以及金属化机制,并探讨不同的氢构型对压致金属化及超导电性的影响。Abstract: As an effective way to realize metal hydrogen and high-temperature superconductors, the metalization and superconductivity of hydrogen-rich compounds have become one of the hot spots of physics and materials science.In practical application, hydrogen-rich compounds are also potential hydrogen storage materials.The study of the structure and properties of hydrogen-rich compounds under high pressure is considered to be an effective means to enhance their hydrogen storage performance.In this paper, high pressure experimental and theoretical researches on the second main group hydrides, a typical kind of rich hydrogen compounds, were briefly introduced, including high pressure structural phase transition, the stability of the new structure, the mechanism of metalization.The effects of different hydrogen motifs on superconductivity were also discussed.
图 3 第二主族二氢化物的高压相序(实验确定的相序与实验压力范围之外的理论预测结果分别用实线和虚线标示。涉及的参考文献:[24](BeH2)、[28, 44](MgH2)、[36, 40](CaH2)、[37](SrH2)、[38-39, 41-42](BaH2)
Figure 3. High pressure phase transition sequence of alkaline earth dihydrides (The results obtained in experiments are indicated with the solid lines.The theoretical predictions beyond the experimental pressure region are indicated with dash lines.Corresponding reference:[24](BeH2), [28, 44](MgH2), [36, 40](CaH2), [37](SrH2), [38-39, 41-42](BaH2).)
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